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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Very Own Cake Wreck! Wilton Course 4, Class 2

Thank goodness I'm not a professional or my debacle may have actually ended up on Cake Wrecks! It all started out pretty good, and ahead of schedule I might add. Class is Thursday night and I made the cake on Tuesday. And I will say right here and right now, yes I should have frozen the layers. I didn't. In fact, I never even thought of it. But I'm putting it out there. I should have frozen it. So with that out of the way, the cake in question was a Duncan Hines banana cake. Generally if you read this blog regularly you know that I won't touch these class cakes with a ten foot pole. I hate vile buttercream and fondant isn't any better. But someone eats it so I do want to make sure it's edible. So without further ado, here is the cake that wasn't.

It started out all nice, cake trimmed and vile buttercream around the edge so the filling doesn't seep out.

So far, so good. I planned on filling it with vanilla pudding. OK, maybe a little too much vanilla pudding but that isn't exactly the problem.

Once the top cake is put in place, this is when bad stuff starts to happen. There's a crack on top, but I blob the vile buttercream on and start to spread.

It really doesn't want to spread, even though the consistency is good and not too stiff. The cake is starting to come off in big chunks and the pudding is oozing out a little.

As I frantically try and get the vile buttercream to hold the cake together, it's becoming more and more clear that it's just not happening!

The cake is a mess. It's fallen apart. There's no way at this point to salvage it.

What an absolute mess. There is only one thing left to do.

Toss that sucker in the trash!

1 comment:

Kesseret Steeplechase said...


good (not vile) buttercream recipe and a tasty fondant.

And it works! Maybe you can use this when you make cakes for people to actually eat!

And your blog was all over my office today :)