
Welcome to the new and improved Carano's Cucina. I make a lot of kick ass food and go out to some amazing restaurants. Take a look around and make yourself at home :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Even More Zucchini!!!

I'm not on zucchini overload yet. Heck I haven't even made one bread! I just keep doing other things with it. Today I made a side dish, roasted potatoes, zucchini and summer squash. There is one thing you really need to keep in mind when you make dishes with zucchini or summer squash in them. They contain tons of water. So cooking times are going to differ depending on just how much water is in them. One way to remove some of the water is to slice the squash and then salt liberally and place in a colander. Let the squash drain for several hours and then quickly rinse or try to blot off some of the salt. Me, I don't usually bother with this step. I just go for the gusto!

So, zucchini and summer squash, cut into about 1/2 to 3/4 inch slice and the quartered. This is that Italian zucchini I got a the farmer's market at Howe Meadow and some summer squash I also bought there.

To this I added some chopped purple scallions

And my favorite potato of all, blues, which are really purple. Very purple, inside and out as you can see!

They aren't just pretty though, they are damn tasty! Mix all of them in a baking dish (I also threw in some Yukon Gold potatoes), drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and the bake in the oven at 375 for about an hour, do not cover it. They take longer than just potatoes would because of the aforementioned water in the squash. You want everything to get browned because, as Food Network chef Anne Burrell says so often, "brown food tastes good." So check it, stir it, shake it, watch it. It's worth it when you get this...

It's really super yummy. Add your fave herb on top when it comes out and enjoy! The squash is all roasted, the onions are pretty much gone but leave behind their flavor and the potatoes are crispy outside, tender and creamy inside.

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